How to use the checklist
Search bar / sidebar
- Search tool with autocomplete function, accepted names and relevant synonyms are covered. Further names (e.g. taxonyms) can be found by entering the name into the search field and pressing the search button.
- Circumscription of families follows APG IV or PPG I respectively, circumscription of genera and species follows recent phylogenetic and taxonomic treatments (if not specified otherwise in the annotation)
- Click on family names to expand sidebar to show included genera, same with species and subspecies
- Mouseover above a species aggregate (group) shows included species
- Use up/downward arrows to skip hierarchy up/downward e.g. from family to genus to species level
Taxon treatment
- Name of taxon with floristic status (native/alien)
- Herbarium vouchers, if available:
- Click on [>>> Link] to open a view showing all available digitized Ionian herbarium vouchers
- Have a closer look at the photograph of the voucher by clicking on the thumbnail
- To access the corresponding voucher information (e.g. collector, date, locality, GPS coordinates) click on the number given below thumbnail
- Photographs bar, if available:
- Click on photos to enlarge, scroll/click through
- Click full size button for higher resolution
- Photos contain copyright information in the lowermost right side, all photos are licensed with creative commons
- Distribution maps:
- Maps for species groups (aggregates), species and subspecies are shown if georeferenced data is available
- Maps use a 10 x 10 km MGRS grid, the Ionian Islands are highlighted in green
- Each red dot corresponds to one (or more) georeferenced records of any kind (observations/herbarium specimens seen/literature records); blue dots refer to records of uncertain taxonomic identity
- Click on map to enlarge
- Island distribution (see mouseover):
- Island name in grey: no records available
- Island name in bold black:
- ! Own field observations
- !! Vouchered records (by Flora Ionica or others)
- ? Doubtful records from observation or literature
- No symbol denominates plausible literature records, that have not been confirmed by own observation
- In brackets after island name: first record according to literature (click for full citation of reference), but see Annotation if available
- Critical notes on taxonomy, distribution and other topics
- Taxonomic references
- Abbreviations of standard floras and annotated checklists (click for full citation)
- Names of taxa used in relevant standard floras (“taxonyms”) are shown
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