- 2024-11-11: Thanks to Ulrike Licht for bringing some additions to the Flora of Ithaka to our attention, most of them late flowering species, e.g.: Amaranthus graecizans, Bidens pilosa, Crocus boryi, Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis, Dittrichia graveolens, Eruca vesicaria, Euphorbia hypericifolia, Euphorbia prostrata, Phytolacca americana, Solanum alatum, Spergularia marina, Sternbergia lutea and Verbena officinalis.
- 2024-11-04: Thanks to Maria Nikolouzou for sharing photos of Glinus lotoides, Lipandra polysperma (syn. Chenopodium polyspermum) and Ludwigia palustris, all of them very rare species on the Ionian Islands and up to now only known from Corfu.
- 2024-06-27: Rediscovered on the Ionian island of Zakynthos after two centuries: Scolymus maculatus, a rather rare thistle in Greece – Thanks to Julia Crummay for sharing your find and photos.
- 2024-04-16: Thanks to Julia Crummay for sharing photos of the very rare Silene succulenta subsp. succulenta from Zakynthos.
- 2024-04-09: Thliphthisa sapphus (Rubiaceae, Rubieae), a new and narrow endemic species of the white cliffs on the southwest coast of Lefkada, was recently described: Many thanks to all who contributed to this work.
- 2023-08-01: Dear colleagues, dear friends of the Flora Ionica and the Ionian Flora,
in great sadness we announce that Walter Gutermann passed away on July 24, 2023. Walter was one of the most profound experts of the European flora, inspiring and influencing generations of botanists as a kind, dedicated and knowledgeable teacher. As founder of the Flora Ionica project, he fell in love with the Ionian Islands and advanced the study of their extraordinary flora like no other.
He will be greatly missed.
- 2021-11-04: Thanks to Aristotelis F. Skiadaresis, who provided photos of the endemic Asperula naufraga.
- 2019-02-20: Since herbarium specimens are crucial as documentation and reference for floristic mapping projects we incorporated links to digitized Ionian herbarium vouchers on our website. Currently, more than 3.000 datasets and photographs of herbarium vouchers are available online via Virtual Herbaria JACQ . See e.g. the site for Araujia sericifera, the genus Euphorbia or Campanulaceae family.
- 2018-03-20: Today, we reached a milestone concerning uploaded plant photos: More than 5.000 pictures of 1.143 taxa are currently available online.
- 2018-03-15: Thanks to Ina Dinter, who provided additional photos of rare plants from Corfu – e.g. Crucianella maritima, Genista sylvestris, Medicago intertexta, Stachys mollissima, Vicia laeta, and many others.
- 2017-01-10: Two further species of the notoriously difficult genus Potamogeton were recently recorded for the Ionian Islands – Potamogeton perfoliatus (for Lefkada and Cephalonia) and Potamogeton nodosus (for Cephalonia) – Thanks to Zdeněk Kaplan for confirming their identity.
- 2017-01-09: Another bunch of photos uploaded, some highlights are Ambrosia maritima, Medicago spp. and Valerianella spp., for several taxa details of fruits or seeds from herbarium vouchers are now included.
- 2017-01-09: First record of the neophyte Cenchrus clandestinus (syn. Pennisetum clandestinum) for the Ionian Islands – one of several tropical C4-grasses that has escaped from cultivation and is probably in extension – Thanks to Nejc Jogan for highlighting our previous misidentification of this species!
- 2016-12-05: Two additional oak species have been confirmed for Corfu: Quercus robur subsp. pedunculiflora and Quercus trojana subsp. trojana – thanks to Giannis Gasteratos for bringing them to our attention.
- 2016-08-25: 450 additional photos of plants taken on the Ionian Islands are now available online, including some pics of rare ones taken by Maria Nikolouzou and Giannis Gasteratos on Corfu – e.g. Acer monspessulanum subsp. monspessulanum, Dictamnus albus, Lilium chalcedonicum. In addition one can find digitized historic slides from the 80ies provided by Harald Pauli and Luise Schratt-Ehrendorfer – for example from Asphodeline lutea, Crucianella maritima, Petasites hybridus and Verbascum phoeniceum subsp. rechingeri.
- 2016-07-13: Potentilla laciniosa and Silene viridiflora, both discovered by Maria Nikolouzou on Corfu, are additions to the Ionian Flora – many thanks to Maria for sharing your data.
- 2016-03-13: Many new photos have been uploaded, see, e.g.
Astragalus monspessulanus subsp. monspessulanus,
Bellevalia dubia subsp. boissieri,
Digitaria ciliaris and
Narcissus tazetta.
- 2016-01-22: The Flora Ionica Website is finally online. On this occasion, a symposium entitled »Plant biodiversity on the Ionian Islands« was held in Vienna (Austria).