Narcissus tazetta
Island distribution (first record)
!! !! ... approved by herbarium voucherCorfu (Pieri 1824 as N. tazzetta)
! ! ... approved by field observationLefkada (Hofmann 1968 as N. tazetta)
! ! ... approved by field observationKalamos (Gutermann & al. 2014 as N. tazetta)
Echinades (Iliadou & al. 2014 as N. tazetta)
!! !! ... approved by herbarium voucherCephalonia (Heldreich 1882 as Hermione tazetta)
!! !! ... approved by herbarium voucherZakynthos (Margot & Reuter 1840 as N. tazetta)
? ? ... doubtful in literatureStrofades (Yannitsaros & al. 1995 as N. sp.)
Annotation: Flower colour varies in Narcissus tazetta, and such variants often are classified as subspecies. The Ionian plants are said to represent subsp. italicus according to »Vascular Plants of Greece« (Dimopoulos & al. 2013: 46). This may date back to Hayek who had placed the Ionian records under »subsp. lacticolor« with cream-coloured tepals (Hayek 1932: 104). Wild growing populations on Corfu, Lefkada, Cephalonia and Zakynthos, however, show flowers with tepals purely white (and with a deep yellow corona), and thus clearly correspond to the nominate variant, quoted as subsp. tazetta in »Flora Europaea« (Webb in Tutin & al. 1980: 80). In Greece subsp. tazetta is only reported from the Peloponnese so far. From Kastos island it was reported as cultivated only (Chousou-Polydouri 2005: 77). Yannitsaros & al. (Yannitsaros & al. 1995:14) have mentioned the occurence of a Daffodil species on Stamfani, which may have been N. tazetta, but its specific identity has to be verified. [2024-09-11]
Taxonomic references ("taxonyms")
linked to standard floras (PFB, FE, FE2, FH) and annotated checklists (AFE, VPG) giving direct reference to occurrences of plant taxa on the Ionian Islands:
PFB: | ? Narcissus tazetta subsp. lacticolor |
FE: | Narcissus tazetta subsp. italicus |
FE2: | volume not published |
AFE: | volume not published |
FH: | volume not published |
VPG: | Narcissus tazetta subsp. italicus |