Flora Ionica


[group by year]


[group by year]

  • A

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      • Apergis M. 2002: Anixiatiki Kefallonia [In Greek]. — I Phýsis (Athína) [Nature, Bulletin of the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature] 97: 4–6.
      • Apergis M., Sfikas G. 2002a: Ta nea tis ellinikis chloridas. — I Phýsis (Athína) [Nature, Bulletin of the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature] 97: 41.
      • Apergis M., Sfikas G. 2002b: Ta nea tis ellinikis chloridas ke panidas. — I Phýsis (Athína) [Nature, Bulletin of the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature] 99: 20–21.
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  • B

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      • Bačič T., Jogan N., Dolenc Koce J. 2007: Luzula sect. Luzula in the south-eastern Alps – karyology and genome size. — Taxon 56: 129–136. [=> full text]
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      • Bareka P., Kamari G., Phitos D. 2006: Acis ionica (Amaryllidaceae), a new species from the Ionian area (W Greece, S Albania). — Willdenowia 36: 357–366. [=> full text]
      • Bareka B., Phitos D., Kamari G. 2008: A karyosystematic study of the genus Bellevalia Lapeyr. (Hyacinthaceae) in Greece. — Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 157: 723–739. [=> full text]
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